
Your technology
to the power
of empathy.
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What we do

We help organizations understand, engage, and grow customers through personalized experiences that drive loyalty and increase value.

How we do it - Neosperience Cloud

Neosperience Solutions and Services

We empower organizations to discover their customers’ needs and desires, helping them in their digital transformation. For every need you have, for every challenge you are facing, Neosperience has a suitable solution for your company.
Neosperience Growth Academy

Events and Webinars

[ITA] Fifteen minutes every Friday dedicated to growing your business in dragon country. Join live on LinkedIn Live!

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Learn what's concrete behind the NFT trend, and how your organization can leverage and create new value through NFT creation and selling.

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Security & Safety

Together with Cogen we will talk about the complexities in security, the new technologies that can solve them, their use cases and our shared Neoscogen platform

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Case Studies

Success Stories

Discover how Neosperience's empathic approach has allowed so many companies to enter the era of the Customer Experience. Read the stories behind our clients' successes and learn about our unique technology.
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Lead Generation

Improve Lead Generation processes and Business Intelligence with Lead Champion discover & booster

Financial Services
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Cultural Project

The innovative app that promotes the historical and cultural heritage of Brescia

Media & Communication
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Digital Analytics

Analyze user behavior on digital touchpoints to customize the user experience

Energy & Utilities
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Covid19 Detector

Supporting medicine and the work of professionals by diagnosing Covid thanks to Artificial Intelligence

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Digital Analytics

Discover the deep traits of each user by analyzing their behavior in e-commerce and newsletters

Fashion Luxury & Beauty
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Alisea Remotair®
Smart Maintenance

A more efficient management of sanitation interventions thanks to predictive maintenance

Industry & Services

Learn how to blend empathy in technology. The major shift that is changing the digital experience industry.

All about NFTs: trends, benefits, limits, how to create and earn with them

When approaching a new technology such as NFTs, it is important to consider the advantages but also the challenges that this poses, and not fall into the trap of superficiality. Read our article and find out how to master this new trend.

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The AI as Cassandra: predicting the points of no return in climate change

The AI can predict the points of no return and the consequences of climate change: this is demonstrated by research carried out by the University of Waterloo. Let's discover together in this article how it is possible to predict complex events

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10 Ways The Internet Has Changed The Way We Live (And Do Business)

We all recognize technology as the real game-changer in the creation of the world as we experience it today. The hidden truth, though, is that there would be no present without the Internet revolution. We are the result of this revolution.

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