
Tailor Made Brand Experience.
Psychographics in the Fashion & Luxury sectors

Case Study
User Insight
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During the webinar we saw how to apply so-called psychographic profiling to the fashion industry to increase proximity to customers.


As we know, the threshold for user attention has dropped dramatically, and as a result the effectiveness of digital strategies. How to face this great challenge? Neosperience asked this question and tried to find an answer thanks to the latest discoveries in consumer psychology.


An idea emerged clearly from this path of investigation: brands can no longer afford to communicate with a one-to-many mass logic. People, rightly, want to see their uniqueness respected, and consequently direct their shopping preferences towards brands that can fully understand their needs and desires.


To do this, digital marketing experts at every touchpoint have invaluable information to help us understand the specificities of each customer. During the webinar we will then see how to apply so-called psychographic profiling, which allows brands to communicate in an empathetic and personalised way to increase proximity to their customers.


A body of ideas and strategies that underlies the Neosperience User Insight solution: the software based on Artificial Intelligence that allows you to derive the subjective characteristics of customers, thanks to a combination of data science, Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning.