
Digital Commerce B2B and manufacturing.
The new sales tools

Case Study
Rubin Red
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B2B sales tools are able to relaunch the excellence of our country's businesses in Europe and around the world.
We talk about it in our live talk!


Italian companies are thirdlast in Europe in terms of the effectiveness of their online sales strategies. This is an alarming fact, however, which highlights a great deal of scope for action.


While in Europe and the world, COVID has given ample impetus to digital transformation, in Italy companies are tempted to innovate. This attitude is not winning, as past crises teach us. The solution is to immediately adopt B2B sales tools capable of relaunching the excellence of our country’s companies in Europe and around the world.


We want to help you discover how to promote your company’s excellence and successfully acquire new customers.


The topics that we will address during the webinar are:

– hidden excellence: data that reveal how the Italian manufacturing sector has a great opportunity for growth
– the buying process b2b
– the importance of the digital avatar of product
– personalisation of the shopping experience
– the success stories of the Rubin Red Digital Commerce platform