
UniCal - Smart Campus

Challenge - More than 25,000 people to control

UniCal boasts the largest campus in Italy. More than 25,000 people who - due to the pandemic - needed a tool to ensure compliance with anti-Covid rules and be able to trace at-risk contacts efficiently.

Solution - The app that manages and stores presences and contacts

Smart Campus is Somos' anti-Covid app, developed together with CalTek and DLVSystem. This allows students to book the place by framing a QR-Code positioned at the entrances of university spaces. The system stores movements, presence times and proximity between people; in case of positivity, the app communicates the risk to the managers.

Impact - A success for students and professors

All those involved - students, professors and administrative staff - expressed their satisfaction with the result achieved by this project.

Several times the tracking system has been activated, ensuring a correct screening of positivities: for example, on October SmartCampus was able to rebuild the network of contacts – in the previous 10 days – of 5 positive students, allowing managers to contact the people involved and organize the test phase with them, preventing the spread of the infection.

Contact us if you want to build a success story with us.