
Sorgenia - Digital Analytics

Challenge - Understand the "human" side of each user

Sorgenia, a leader in the free market for electricity and gas, wanted to deepen the knowledge of the target audience by collecting different types of information.

In particular, Sorgenia wanted to retrieve qualitative and subjective information, essential to understand the “human” side of each customer, such as the themes and values ​ ​to which it attaches greater importance and psychological needs, to ensure an optimal customer experience in one-to-one logic.

Solution - Neosperience User Insight

To obtain this information we have decided to implement the Neosperience User Insight Solution in the Sorgenia website and Customer Area. In doing so, we were able to derive some propensities and subjective characteristics of users and customers, based on the analysis of their browsing behaviour and thanks to a combination of statistical techniques, Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning.

Neosperience User Insight has allowed Sorgenia to discover on each user:

Attention to Consumption

Attention to consumption and expenses, combined with the search for savings.



The sensitivity towards social responsibility initiatives and the importance attached to the values ​of the Sorgenia Brand.


Innovation and Technology

The interest in innovation and technology and the propensity for smart use of digital.


Need for

The tendency to seek detailed information and the willingness to thoroughly evaluate the characteristics of products, services, and offers.



The importance attached to customer feedback and the awards obtained 
by Sorgenia as guarantees of reliability.


Need for

The need for interaction and the search for contact 
with Sorgenia, combined with the propensity to word-of-mouth and member-get-member.

Impact - Understand to Customize

These new informations allow Sorgenia to enrich its Customer Database and customize communications, based on the propensities and subjective characteristics of each customer, both current and potential, improving its experience and increasing its involvement and propensity to purchase.

Contact us if you want to create a success story too.