
Intesa Sanpaolo - Insurance Styles

Challenge - Understand the clients

Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura, part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Vita Insurance Group, needed to optimize the use of the information contained within its Customer Database to increase the effectiveness of communication with Intesa Sanpaolo and Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura customers, identifying the insurance products most in line with the needs of each customer and the most suitable relational methods to interact with each other.

Solution - Create new Buyer Personas

To this end, we have started research and Customer Analytics aimed at a sample of Intesa Sanpaolo's customer base, with particular reference to policyholders, aimed to enrich the description of Intesa Sanpaolo's "buyer personas” through qualitative information, in addition to traditional socio-demographic and behavioural information, and to create predictive Machine Learning models for a set of subjective customer characteristics, such as personality and lifestyle, based on the analysis of data already in the Bank's possession within its Customer Database.

The analysis was carried out through a structured questionnaire, implemented on the Cawi detection channel of the Voice of Customer NeosVoc platform, and allowed the identification of the following information:


Lifestyle and interests of customer in specific areas, such as sport, travel, art, health, and well-being.



The customer's propensity to take out an insurance policy to protect themselves in areas of life that are important to them.


Communicative Approach

Some traits of the personality of customers use in defining the most suitable communicative and relational approach for each one, such as friendship, locus of control, and attitude towards uncertainty.



Some personality traits useful in identifying the most suitable insurance products for each customer, such as openness to experiences and sensation seeking.

Impact - Personalised insurance

Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura, thanks to the Stili di Tutela project, has been able to acquire a new layer of customer knowledge, which takes into account their individual differences in lifestyle, personality, and predispositions.

This knowledge has allowed Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura to customise communication according to the “style of protection” of each individual, increasing the value of the relationship with its customers and at the same time favoring the adoption of insurance policies more in line with the needs and peculiar characteristics of each one.

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