
Esclamativa - Lead Generation

Challenge - exceed the limits of cold calling and word of mouth

Esclamativa is a business consulting company based in Modena with a particular focus on facilitated finance. Esclamativa from a commercial point of view has based its approach on cold calling and word of mouth. A few years ago it was decided to adopt an approach that also benefited digital channels in order to diversify the marketing mix.

The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation process that was already underway. Going digital has brought challenges in terms of targeting the audience. It is a niche sector that requires an approach consistent with the Account Based Marketing paradigm (oriented to orient its conversion funnel towards an already qualified target) in order to obtain a significant ROI.

Solution - Lead Champion discover & booster

Lead Champion has proven to be the best solution to allow Esclamativa to accelerate the results of its digital transformation process. Lead Champion has allowed Esclamativa to act in two directions:

Lead Champion discover

The first direction concerned the business intelligence of digital properties. With discover, in fact, it is possible to discover which companies visit the website and filter only the most interesting realities from a commercial perspective.


Lead Champion booster

The second aspect on which Lead Champion improved the results was the Conversion Rate Optimization. Thanks to booster, the module that allows you to create dynamic pop-up forms, it has been possible to greatly increase the number of leads collected on the website.

Impact - 30% more leads acquired from the site

The first step, of a technical nature, was inherent in the installation of Lead Champion, which was simple, as it required only to implement a javascript code on the pages of the site, an operation that from a technical point of view takes a few moments.

Once the implementation was done, the results were very clear and stood at around +30-35% in terms of leads in targets acquired through the website.

In addition to the data of the acquired leads, thanks to the business intelligence provided by Lead Champion, Esclamativa was also able to act at a deeper level by improving the knowledge of its buyer person. This has meant making your digital touchpoints more effective and consequently increasing the ROI of your digital marketing and lead generation campaigns.

Contact us if you want to build a success story with us.