
DIMASDIA - Covid19 Detector

Challenge - Providing innovative diagnostic tools

In this period of fighting Covid-19, technology plays an increasingly important role. In addition to allowing the continuity of normal daily activities, technological innovation has also made it possible to facilitate diagnostic and treatment processes in the medical and healthcare field.

To address the emergency, the need emerged to develop a platform that could diagnose Covid-19 beyond traditional procedures.

Solution - A digital platform for the diagnosis of Covid19

Thanks to the Sacco Hospital in Milan, the Italian Auxological Institute, LoopTribe Srl, CRS4, the Lombardy Region, the European Fund for Regional Development and the Veronesi Institute, Neosperience has implemented the DIMASDIA-Covid19 project for the diagnosis of Covid-19 and related diseases through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Together with our partners, we have developed two models: one for rapid diagnosis - at lower costs than any other diagnostic tool - of the early onset of Covid-19 through pulmonary radiographs, and another model for the detection of cardiac kinetics alteration.

This model will be further improved to meet clinical standards and made available to all affected facilities through the DIMASDIA digital platform.

Impact - Making the diagnostic process simpler and cheaper

Thanks to this project, the Neosperience group was able to provide standardized and evidence-based tools for the clinical management of COVID-19 patients. We then developed and made available a web platform - based on Artificial Intelligence - capable of assisting diagnosis, follow-up and filling gaps in the history of infection.

In addition, given the concrete possibility of pre-screening at home or in widespread territorial facilities, the application of these models could contribute to making the diagnosis both cheaper and easier to carry out.

New challenges and development opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare are therefore opening up: we at Neosperience have decided to aim in this direction, because there can be no medical progress without technology.

Contact us if you want to build a success story with us.