
Brescia Mobilità - Bresciapp!

Challenge - Accessible, fast and reliable mobility

The enhancement of the territory, and with it the improvement of the experience of citizens and tourists, passes through technological innovation. Users want accessible, fast and intuitive mobility. They want the most useful services and information at the right time according to their needs. Brescia Mobility and Municipality of Brescia have listened to the requests of their citizens and tourists, and have entrusted us with the realization and evolution over the years of Bresciapp!

Solution - Avoid third party brokerage

We worked closely with the company and the other stakeholders involved: Municipality of Brescia and Consorzio Brescia Centro. Among the functions of Bresciapp!, in addition to the fundamental tools for mobility such as maps, information, travel planners and ticket shops, we have implemented:


Tools for tourist and commercial promotion: information sheets on downtown shops and podcasts and insights that tell the sights of the city.



Functions to make the app accessible to the blind people.



A highly evolved Customer Analytics system that provides the company with insights of its own users, to know their behaviors and preferences.

Impact - 100K downloads in a few months

After the release for iOS and Android devices, Bresciapp! quickly exceeded 100,000 downloads; the ease of purchasing the ticket led to a significant increase in sales. The data on users - collected by the app - allowed Brescia Mobilità and the Municipality of Brescia to improve the service: new stops, expansion of lines, time management, while decreasing the number of incoming calls to call centers for requests for information and complaints. Custom functions guide citizens and tourists towards a rediscovery of the places, generating new interest in local events, cultural sites and shops.

Contact us if you want to create a success story too.