
Alisea Remotair® - Machine Learning & IoT

Challenge - Improve customer service

Alisea is the number one company in Italy in the management of air handling systems. As a highly innovative company in its sector, Alisea has seized the opportunities offered by technologies such as IoT and Machine Learning to guarantee its customers a more effective, safe and timely service, improving the quality and efficiency of interventions by its technicians

Solution - Remotair®

Thanks to Neosperience technology, Alisea has developed a new product line, with the aim of innovating the maintenance and cleaning of ventilation systems. Remotair® allows Alisea customers to implement methods of remote control of ducts and air handling units.


Data acquired from an engineered IoT board, made together with Coherency, Neosperience partner for hardware development and prototyping, are sent to the AWS cloud, where they are analyzed and made available as alarms and notifications.

IoT firmware and backend components, using Neosperience Industrial IoT technology, are able to provide a synthetic view of filter status, air quality, and the presence of microbiological threats. In addition, the analysis model through deep learning allows the system to automatically determine the cleanliness status of the pipelines.

Impact - IoT and Machine Learning for smarter management

Remotair® is a clear example of the potential that modern Machine Learning and IoT techniques can allow in the industrial field. Real-time data analysis and the dashboard shared between technicians and customers allow Alisea to:


Implement effective monitoring of plants;



Proactively intervene in the deterioration of ventilation conditions, to minimize health risks;



Schedule maintenance of the systems only when necessary;



Reduce the costs of inspecting air handling systems;



Improve customer and employee satisfaction;



Ensure the best safety and health standards;

Thanks to Remotair®, Alisea is now at the forefront in the development of innovative products and represents an Italian excellence in the application of IoT technologies in the industrial field. Remotair®, unique in its kind, is now a differentiating asset that allows Alisea to stand out from its competitors.

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