


Companies need to go beyond traditional market research and listen to customers innovatively.

It is necessary to adapt methodologies to the digital changing environment. Brands need to value all the channels and touchpoints available today to reach the customer in the exact moment of the brand experience, detecting emerging needs.
Our solution

A SaaS platform that combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies solving the false memory issue when collecting feedback.

NeosVoc proposes an omnichannel approach to monitor the feedback that emerges throughout the whole customer journey. Interdisciplinary templates of analysis allow you to deeply comprehend thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns of your community. Gather and analyze feedback in real-time.

NeosVoc is the platform that combines different methodologies to allow you to:


Interdisciplinary Templates

Comprehend the real customers’ behavior using interdisciplinary models of analysis.


Real-time Analysis

Keep your data updated with real-time analysis. Use the dashboard to check live trends and maintain a personal relationship with your customers.


Omnichannel Approach

Apply NeosVoc surveys to multiple channels, including Amazon Echo, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and others.


Custom Layout

Make your surveys stand out with personalized layouts that match your brand identity. Use the neutral personalization to research in incognito.



Reach your customers wherever they are. NeosVoc platform can be used on every device and its surveys are totally responsive.


Combined Methodologies

Access qualitative analysis, like video focus groups and video interviews, along with traditional quantitative methodologies.

Learn more about NeosVoc through a successful project story

Intesa Sanpaolo
Insurance Styles

Understand the information in the customer's Customer Database to customize the offer

Financial Services

BNP Paribas Cardif
Voice of Customer

Discovering insurance needs of customers with behavioural analysis

Financial Services
Alice Melpignano

Discover the Voice of Customer platform that allows you to listen with renewed depth to your users and customers

Alice Melpignano

NeosVoc Unit Manager & Co-founder
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