
Ricerche e Report

White paper e report per delineare il futuro dell'esperienza cliente nel mondo digitale. 

Intelligenza Artificiale | Machine Learning

Empathic Artificial Intelligence

I trend più rilevanti per gli anni che verranno.

Con la pandemia si sono affermate nuove priorità per quanto riguarda il campo della Customer Experience. Le ultime innovazioni tecnologiche sono diventate improvvisamente rilevanti.

Questo perché la necessità di focalizzare le proprie attività economiche sui touchpoint digitali ha reso necessario uno sviluppo accelerato degli strumenti di contatto e relazione virtuale.  

Non a caso, le tecnologie che cercano di imitare le abilità umane nell’operare scelte - ovvero Intelligenza Artificiale e il Machine Learning - sono quelle che hanno visto la maggiore crescita nei diversi scenari di applicazione.

In questo report mettiamo in risalto quelle applicazioni che riteniamo le più rilevanti per l’immediato e il prossimo futuro.

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Digital Customer Experience

The DCX 7 Steps Checklist

The best customer experience in 7 steps.

How did the user change today? How does it move along the customer journey? What would they like to receive and feel? What do they ask brands as a reward for their loyalty?

We try to answer these questions through our user manual to decrypt the digital experience of today's users. 

Seven steps to keep in mind when developing content creation, branding, digital design and also physical strategies.


Digital Customer Experience | Digital Transformation

Digital Innovation in Retail & Fashion

10 key factors fon an Empathic Customer Experience

The fashion industry is one of those sector that really need to continuously innovate their product offerings and experiences: every year, every season, every day must be unique.

For fashion the customer is always at the center, because it is the customer himself who uses what he wears every day to communicate to the world who he is.

But today, as we live in digital, the role and meaning of what we wear has changed profoundly. As the public has moved to digital, so must fashion: but how and in what forms?

We tell you about it along a 10-point path, specifically designed to describe the future of the digital customer experience for the fashion industry.


Digital Customer Experience

The 7 pillars of the new customer loyalty

Loyalty your customers to create an indestructible asset for tomorrow.

Digital technology has deeply changed the market scenario in the last ten years. The pace of this change, accelerated by the advent of the smartphone and the dawn of a new generation of digital customers, has disoriented many companies, which continue to invest in inefficient and ineffective customer acquisition and retention programs.

In this document we will tell you about the 7 pillars that each company must keep in mind today in order to offer valuable experiences to its customers. The goal is to re-engage and make brand ambassadors a generation - that of millennials - that seems disillusioned.


Altre aree tematiche

Scopri le nostre altre aree dedicate alla formazione.

Articoli e Approfondimenti

Approfondisci le ultime novità del mondo dell'intelligenza artificiale applicata ai processi di business, e scopri come l'empatia può arricchire le aziende e i loro clienti.

Eventi e Webinar

Scopri i prossimi eventi live e online di Neosperience, iscriviti e partecipa! Inviteremo aziende, professionisti e accademici per parlare del futuro del mondo digitale. Te li sei persi? Guarda la rassegna video degli interventi passati.