
Managing the customer experience has never been an easy process, even when mobile technology was just a dream for science fiction writers. Now that the passage from analog world to digital is a reality and passive consumers have been replaced by empowered customers, sometimes it really looks like a daunting task. But where there is a threat, there is opportunity, if you can rely on top digital customer experience tools to innovate your strategy.

Our market scenario is clearly defined: the mobile revolution is running 8 times faster than the web adoption, and by 2017 about 69.4% of world's population is expected to use a mobile device. Smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, wearables and even futuristic gadgets like Google Glass and Oculus Rift are at the front line of this revolution. The main side effect is the mutation of people, immersed in a liquid and pervasive digital environment and empowered by the overproduction and endless reproduction of information.

Given this precondition, keep one thing clear in your mind when you search for new tools to add to your marketing mix: you will never find a ‘one-fits-all’ solution that is useful and relevant no matter which brand or business you are in. Innovation implies that every single tool is strictly linked to the right context and will not work without a proper digital and content strategy in place.

At the end of the day, it is not the tool itself but what you decide to do with it that will give sense to your customer experience.


‘Consumer mapping’ is not a new topic in marketing studies, but the mobile mind shift is redefining the boundaries of the connection between brands and clients. Customers are moving outside the traditional purchasing funnel, made complex by multiple touchpoints.

The conversion path is not linear, so organizations need to take the different stages of the customer journey - both physical and digital - into consideration. The blending of analog and digital is key to understand the inner gears of the journey: apps, beacons, push notification, location-based content, games, NFC. With a properly shaped customer journey map you will be able to understand: how clients interact with you; areas to improve; technologies that fits you better.


Social networks are an integral part of how you conduct business today. A content marketing strategy is not even conceivable without Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vine and all the big and small services that help understand customers and build engagement. Too often companies underestimate the power of social media.

To win the race, you should always follow two simple rules: stay current, look for new channels and potential revelation wonders; focus your efforts on strategic media, not wasting your time and money on sites irrelevant for your specific type of business. It is not easy to hold everything in check, and that is the reason why a social media platform could be essential to manage, analyze and plan your social presence.


Whatever you do, never forget to measure obsessively! Seems like a good advice but, in the age of Big Data, it is not always easy to understand what to measure, when and how. Mobile technologies offer a wide range of information that companies can use to better understand customers and market scenario. Too much data - and say thank you to wearables - can be dangerous if you don’t have a tool to make sense of it.

You can only succeed if you are able to dive through this huge amount of numbers and statistics to convert them into reliable marketing actions. Planning, execution, redefinition: there is no step of the process you should not measure. Since measurement is the core of every improvement, you need to adopt an efficient tool to know how things are going and adapt budget, actions and KPI. The Analytics Dashboard is essential to coordinate your efforts and understand if your digital customer experience is working and how to improve it.

If you want to create a strategic advantage to your organization, discover Neosperience Engage, the end-to-end mobile marketing solution to help brands engage with customers by delivering personalized experiences to customers close to, or inside the store.