
How can you overcome the challenges of your digital transformation? How can you engage and monetize your customers? How can you deliver amazing, meaningful experiences any time, on any device?

Whatever your industry, right now you are likely trying to find the answer to these questions. Well, now you have a new powerful tool that'll help you find your way, The Mobile Engagement Playbook crafted by Neosperience. And you can download it for free!

The idea of this playbook comes from the evidence that we live in the midst of a revolution that is shaking all traditional business certainties. For decades, organizations have grounded their strategy on the assumption that they could win the competition playing on the quality of their product and the efficiency of their productive processes.

In today's ecosystem, shaped by all sorts of digital and mobile technologies, you cannot rely on the old belief system. We do not simply go online, we live online. We have entered an era where a focus on the digital customers matters more than any other strategic imperative. Your product is still important, but it has lost its weight as main business differentiator.

Simply said, your customers expect that you can provide them not just products, but personalized content and benefits. In a word, experiences. Thus, an excellent digital customer experience - the perception people have of their interactions with your organization - becomes your most critical differentiator.

In today's markets, nothing is more important (and sacred) than engaged and loyal customers. Customer engagement is the key to success, as we move from a product-centric approach to a world where people - not brands - must be the core of every digital strategy. The only way to hack your growth and stay relevant is to stop being self-referential and start focusing on your customers.

"Everything starts and ends with the customer", this is the shift that you must acknowledge. The balance is on the customer's side, thanks to the smartphone, social networks, and mobile apps. In this ecosystem, there are many digital spaces for your brand and products to occupy: virtual reality and augmented reality, chatbots, wearable technology, the Internet of Things platforms.

How can you master customer engagement and play a primary role in a mobile market that has reached 36.7 billion dollars in revenues at the end of 2015?

Being out there where customers live is the first step, but it is not enough. If you think that a bad designed website or a dull mobile app will save the day, you are destined to waste time and money. You need something more: It is time for a new approach that delivers your digital customer experience in 1/10th of the time and with 1/10th of the investment.

This is exactly the path that we try to highlight with The Mobile Engagement Playbook, a collection of relevant insights and content that set one big goal: help you survive and win the challenges of digital transformation and grow your business exponentially.

The Mobile Engagement Playbook offers a complete overview of what is happening around you: the emergence of Micro Moments, the importance of happy loyal customers, the renovation of the rules of mobile app development, the urge to compete on the field of customer experience.

At the end of the journey, you will understand what makes brands like Amazon, Apple, Uber, Starbucks, and Disney so special. What makes them so magic.