
The AWS Summit arrives in Italy and Neosperience could not miss the chance. The 2016 edition has seen the world series of Amazon Web Services Summit for the first time in our country, and Neosperience was at the forefront as sponsor and technology partner of the event.

The Summit, held at Mi.Co. Milano Congressi, presented a unique opportunity for Italian companies to discover the latest news on technological innovation issues, from machine learning to smart data, mobile and the new dynamics of engagement.

Thanks to its vision, which incorporates the knowledge of the customer experience processes, design innovations and mobile development, Neosperience represented at the Summit the solutions that support organizations that face the path of digital transformation, starting from the centrality of the customer.

In a time when marketing certainties fade away, we need innovative tools to innovate products and business strategies. Today, the capability to engage and monetize digital customers, creating memorable experiences on all devices - starting from your smartphone - is imperative.

The Exhibition Area of the AWS Summit became the ideal platform to focus the attention of managers and entrepreneurs on the value of digital customer experience, which even in Italy has now become the priority.

It is no coincidence that Gartner, in a report released last year, has predicted that the digital customer experience will be the primary element of brand differentiation on digital markets by 2020. If you want to stay top of mind, a high quality product is not enough. You need to connect with people and be memorable.

With the testimony of Prada, Dario Melpignano, CEO of Neosperience, anticipated the innovations of the Neosperiece DCX Cloud, focusing on new services that enhance the platform: from machine learning to the evolved membership and loyalty dynamics of the relationship economy, illustrating the best practices and success stories of customer engagement and monetization.

To help you provide a strategic advantage to your organization, Neosperience has crafted the first DCX 7-Steps Checklist, with requirements and insights for a successful digital transformation. Download the free guide here: