The Jester archetype includes the clown, the trickster, and anyone at all who loves to play or cut up. In politics Jesters are essentially anarchistic, as illustrated by Emma Goldman, the famous anarchist, who said, “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.”

His/her desire: to live in the moment with full enjoyment, to have a great time and lighten up the world.

A Jester brand, and associated digital customer experience, wants us all to lighten up, have fun, and stop worrying about consequences. But it also celebrates cleverness used to trick others, get out of trouble, and find ways around obstacles, and live life experienced in the moment, one day at a time.

The Jester is a promising archetype to shape digital customer experiences for brands whose function helps people have a good time, with pricing that is moderate to low, produced and/or sold by a company with a fun-loving, freewheeling organizational culture.

Archetypes deeply influence also people’s behavior while at work. In a Jester organization, you can be ostracized if you have no sense of humor, just like in many Lover organizations, the unspoken rule is that everyone knows everything about everyone else.

Discover also:

  • The Innocent: Life does not have to be hard, this myth promises.
  • The Explorer: Don’t fence me in.
  • The Sage: Sharing wisdom with you.
  • The Hero: Triumphing over adversity and evil.
  • The Outlaw: Rules were meant to be broken.
  • The Magician: The shaman at the forefront of great scientific changes.
  • The Regular Guy/Girl: The virtues of being ordinary.
  • The Lover: Intimacy and elegance.
  • The Jester: To live in the moment with full enjoyment, having fun, and stop worrying about consequences.
  • The Caregiver: The altruist, moved by compassion, generosity and a desire to help others.
  • The Creator: Helping you be you (only better).
  • The Ruler: Queens, kings, CEO’s, presidents, or anyone with power represents the ruler.