One week has passed since Hubspot’s #INBOUND15 epilogue, but the voices from the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center still resonate in our ears. Given the incredible number of 204 total sessions, for those who had the opportunity to attend the event it was impossible to take part in all keynotes and talking.

Whether you were running - like we did - back and forth around the BCEC to find a seat, or were unable to be present at all the #INBOUND15, you will gladly welcome these top 5 marketing presentations you might have missed (and should definitely see).

Of course, this is just a selection of all interesting sessions that took place at the four-days long conference. Search engine optimization, content marketing, digital transformation, the disruption of sales process, social media marketing, business growth in the age of mobile: all pieces of the inbound puzzle had a fair share of attention.

The 14,000 attending marketers have been pretty busy taking notes and sharing opinions and comments. Luckily enough, their hard work is not going lost, thanks to, the ‘inbounders community’ where you can find all other insightful slide decks and presentations and personal notes.

Here are the 5 marketing-oriented presentations we have appreciated most. A good reminder of the amazing things that happened at #INBOUND15, waiting for the 2016 edition.

“50 Actionable Tips For Launching a Successful Lead Generation Campaign”, Amanda Sibley

A lead generation campaign is the foundational element of any inbound marketing strategy. Amanda Sibley pointed out the different stages of the content creation, highlighting the importance of timing and employee involvement in the process, and ultimately suggesting the 50 action-driven tips for a successful campaign.

“Live To Tell The Tale”, Shawn Pfunder

The complete title of Pfunder’s presentation is “Live To Tell The Tale - Leveraging Story To Define Your Brand and Craft Marketing Strategy”, and it says it all. It should not surprise that content marketing took center stage in many of the sessions. The creation and distribution of useful, quality content is the key element of the inbound funnel (Attract - Convert - Close - Delight).

“The 30 Minute Marketing Plan”, Eric Keiles

Is it possible to understand the rules of inbound marketing in just 30 minutes? The answer is yes, according to Eric Keiles. A 30 minute marketing plan is enough to eliminate the most common challenges of modern markets. The presentation was a mix of real-world examples and actionable tips, to help you focus more on strategy than tactics and learn how to leverage your message.

“Technology Trends Shifting Customer Behavior”, Kyle Lacy

This one is probably our single most favorite session in the whole #INBOUND15 agenda. Filled with incredible insights on marketing and business, this presentations aimed at showing why technology is changing the way we think, buy and communicate. The key takeaways? Moments matter (remember Google’s Micro-Moments?); whoever owns the audience owns the experience; our entire economy is being rebuilt around the idea of sharing.

“Revenge of the Storymakers: How Brands are Battling Storytelling”, David Berkowitz

You are what you narrate: we all understand the importance of stories in the creation of the brand identity. If you are able to master your storytelling, you will conquer customers’ heart. Berkowitz, however, goes one step further: what is really critical is not ‘your’ story, it is your customers’ story. With examples from Starbucks, Visa, Coca-Cola, this presentation explained why brand are building on the stories their customers tell.

Now it's your turn. Did you attend the #INBOUND15 conference? What were your favorite sessions? Use the comments to share your thoughts, opinions and links to the presentations.

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