The Regular Guy/Girl brand archetype celebrates our virtues of being ordinary. Companies that identify with this positioning include MetLife, Ikea and VISA. It represents the a good identity for brands whose goal is to give people a sense of belonging, showing as the good old guy/girl, the everyman, the person next door.

This archetype might be a good fit for your brand and digital customer experience if your company has a homey appeal and your product helps people feel that they belong, is in daily use and is priced moderately to inexpensively.

As all other brand characters analyzed so far, the Regular Guy/Girl mediates between products and customer motivation by providing an intangible experience of meaning.

When you, as a marketer, brand your digital customer experience with an archetype, you give yourself a wonderful opportunity to define your company’s mission. Once you find, or establish, your corporate archetype, you will be able to help your company understand its cultural roots, teach your colleagues how to succeed within its culture and organize better collaborations among teams.

To follow up in this process, ask some questions about your company: what is your company’s name and what does it mean? What do your logos and payoff symbolize? How do your colleagues dress and behave? What does your office layout represent — for example, a high-tech startup, a library, a ship, or a waiting room — and what does that say about your unconscious corporate culture? What is your company’s deep structural goal?

Answering those questions moves you toward creating a winning brand identity and a winning future for your company and your customers’ digital experiences.

There are going to be seven billion smartphones in everybody’s hands in the next five years. Now, everybody is a digital customer, so doing things digitally is no longer a niche. Doing things digitally is how the entire world communicates.” — Angela Ahrendts, former Burberry’s CEO, Head of Retail Apple since mid-2014 .

Discover also:

  • The Innocent: Life does not have to be hard, this myth promises.
  • The Explorer: Don’t fence me in.
  • The Sage: Sharing wisdom with you.
  • The Hero: Triumphing over adversity and evil.
  • The Outlaw: Rules were meant to be broken.
  • The Magician: The shaman at the forefront of great scientific changes.
  • The Regular Guy/Girl: The virtues of being ordinary.
  • The Lover: Intimacy and elegance.
  • The Jester: To live in the moment with full enjoyment, having fun, and stop worrying about consequences.
  • The Caregiver: The altruist, moved by compassion, generosity and a desire to help others.
  • The Creator: Helping you be you (only better).
  • The Ruler: Queens, kings, CEO’s, presidents, or anyone with power represents the ruler.