
As customer expectations grow higher, companies become aware that the customer experience has a huge impact on brand reputation, sales and revenues. How huge? The truth lies in the numbers. Even though statistics are always destined to change according to the evolution of society, they narrate a story, and tell us how the world became customer-centric. Here are 7 powerful stats that’ll make you better at digital customer experience.

The swift spread of mobile devices and disruptive technologies has caused a deep change in how people and companies relate to each other. Because the experience has overcome the product as key brand differentiator, satisfying customer expectations can yield far out results - in terms of acquisition, retention and loyalty - but offering just a single poor experience can lead to disaster. A recent article about DCX statistics pointed out that on average it takes 12 positive customer experiences to make up for one negative: that means almost 2 years to recover from a bad impression.

According to the Customers 2020 Report, by 2020 customers will expect companies to know their individual needs and personalize the connection they have with brand and products. In addition, they will presume that companies are able to proactively address their current and future desires, delivering what they need when they want it, wherever they are, across all channels and touch points.

This might sound a little scary if you haven’t already planned for improvements, but the following stats will help you address your efforts - and budget - in the right direction.

  • By 2017, 87% of Internet device sales will be smartphones and tablets (Forbes): in the mobile era, you can’t plan an engagement strategy without considering all those devices that mark the time our daily life. Smartwatches, smartphones, smart glasses, wearables and even virtual reality headsets like the Oculus Rift, they are all part of your omni-channel digital strategy.
  • 92% of companies that reported a decline in customer satisfaction said that clients were most disappointed by inconsistent experience (Salesforce): a customer journey map is mandatory to better understand clients, and to get a sense of what you need to change your strategy and improve engagement and loyalty, and boost sales.
  • A customer is 4 times more likely to buy from a competitor if the problem is service related rather than price or product related (Bain&Co.): the experience of your clients, not the brand or the product, must the at the very core of every marketing strategy or action you plan. You are judged not only by the quality of what you produce or sell.


  • People spend more time on social media than any other major Internet activity, and 60% or so of this time is spent not on desktop computers but on smartphones and tablets (BusinessInsider): if you underestimate the power of social media, you simply don’t understand the power they have to build trust, nurture communities, increase retention and encourage repeat sales.
  • 70% of customers want to get to know a company through content, not ads (ContentPlus): only quality content will keep clients coming back. Advertising attract, content promote fidelity. To convert casual user into loyal customers, focus your efforts on building a unique content marketing, starting from your brand identity and storytelling.
  • By 2020, the customer will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human (Gartner): the emerging of smart objects has made the human intervention not necessary to connect things and people. The Internet-of-Things is set to revolutionize the way companies - above all retailers - plan, develop, produce, distribute and sell products.
  • The revenue impact from a 10 percentage point improvement in a company’s customer experience score can translate into more than $1 billion (Forrester): the answer to those that think that digital customer experience is a fancy marketing thing, a short trend with no economical impact and destined to fade as a meteor.

The dawn of the Age of the Customer brings a major effect on marketing strategies: to stay relevant in your clients’ mind, the quality of your product is not enough anymore. You need to offer a compelling and innovative - yet easy and simple - customer journey, both in the digital and physical world.

To help you ensure a strategic advantage to your organization, learn about the DCX 7-Steps Checklist crafted by Neosperience, with requirements and insights for a successful digital transformation.