What is your first reference when you need to do something? What is your primary source of information when you need to decide what to buy? Mobile devices. One of the most exciting things about the Internet era is the pace at which innovation happens.

If we had to choose a single keyword to describe the historical moment we all live in, that would be ‘mobile’. Hence, there is no way to improve customer experience if you ignore the power of smartphones, smartwatches, wearables and all mobile technologies.

At the end of 2014, the number of mobile-broadband subscriptions has reached 2.3 billion globally, five times as many as in 2008. In just six years, smartphones and tablets have disrupted many industries, giving birth to an empowered generation of clients, the ever-connected digital customers.

Also, now the wearable technology - ranging from basic activity trackers to the brand-new Apple Watch - promises to fasten the evolution of customers and businesses. Mobile penetration has now risen above 100% in most developed markets, with the number of connections globally now well over 7 billion.

Every time innovative products arrive on markets, they quickly become an important part of the daily lives of millions of people. Changing the rules of marketing. The story is no different when it comes to the Internet and mobile connectivity.

We all live in a moment of transformation lead by digital screens. Mobile mind-shift is the name analysts use to identify this wind of change: our daily life can now be described as a flow of micro moments (as described by Google), influenced by personal devices. These moments are critical to establishing a connection with customers: either you earn their trust or lose them forever.

The fact is customers have already made the shift, embracing the digital transformation. This is particularly true for those born submerged in the digital world, the so-called millennials. To ensure that your brand does not disappear or gets written off as old, you need to find new ways to improve customer experience strategy, using mobile technology to create meaningful connections with your clients. Now.

In this new scenario, in fact, companies must understand that the customer - not the brand - is the core of any given strategy. People can easily access all the information they need, and choose from a potentially infinite range of brands and products. To build relationships and increase business, you need to engage continuously customers and give them what they want, when they want it, fast and easy.

This is the essence of digital customer experience in the Age of Customer. The only choice is to adapt as fast as you can if you want to conquer customers’ attention, retain their loyalty and be first in line in the purchase decision. Easier said than done.

People expect that you understand this new way of consuming and communicating and that you are able to fulfill their needs using innovative tools. Going mobile might be risky (and expensive) but it is also the only way to succeed. You are not going anywhere if you are afraid to take risks. Digital will boost your business, but you have to be willing to use it to revolutionize your customer experience.

How? We have traced five areas of improvement that you can enhance using mobile technology.


Empowered customers know what they want, but that does not mean they do not need you help. Technology should be used to make their life easier, improving the experience they have with your brand or product at every touch point of the customer journey: from the first contact to conversion to customer service. One-touch shopping, social buy buttons, social media customer service, virtual waiting list, NFC and Apple Pay are just a few examples.


You should be reachable everytime and everywhere. At the same time, you should be able to reach your customers when they are ready to interact with you and make decisions. Conversion in the mobile era is about connecting with clients at the right moment. Big data dashboards, marketing automation platforms and real time personalization technology improve the ability to act fast. It is no surprise that proximity marketing is becoming critical in business strategy that blends physical and digital.


A major consequence of the spread of mobile devices is the huge amount of information that companies are now able to collect. Data about customer behaviors and preferences, information about competitors and market evolutions. The difference between old and innovative businesses is the capability to process and translate data into actionable strategies to improve efficiency and engage customers across all touch points, physical and digital.


We are now accustomed to the idea of the Age of the Customer, where customers take center stage. In this era, talking to a broad, generic audience equals talking to none at all. Your content marketing - and your marketing strategy in general - should talk to every single client, to give him/her a powerful personalized experience with your brand and products. ‘Content customized with context’ is the key, and location-based promotions and offers, coupled with push notifications, great tools to personalize the purchase experience.


When you sell your product or service, you always sell yourself, your story, your identity and values. As markets have become conversations, building brands means building relationships. Your identity is the ground where you build your marketing strategy, your true self the foundation for unique storytelling. The solution is to embed the mobile logic into a coherent narrative. Know yourself, know your customers, engage and play with them. Being on top of innovation is the only way to build trust and long-lasting relationships.

Just to be clear: going mobile does not mean just developing a mobile app. Going mobile requires a complete change in your mindset and methodology. It implies the awareness that the customer journey has changed, and your company need to change accordingly. Starting with your brand identity and involving your employees in the process.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in October 2014 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy with the latest trends and advancements of mobile technology and digital customer experience.

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