
The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions.” (Claude Lévi-Strauss).

Since customer experience management is, to all intents and purposes, a science, asking questions becomes crucial to understand where and how you can improve your digital strategy. The evolution of markets unveils new opportunities, but also brings new doubts about what you do and what you should do. Here are few key customer experience questions to ask yourself in 2015, to ensure your organization is optimizing the experience of customers.

The path is clear: in the Age of the Customer, placing high value and attention on digital customer experience is more and more critical to business success and competitive status. Technology disruption is undermining from the foundations every certainty that brands have built through the decades. Thus, the willingness to call your strategy into question becomes necessary to fully embrace the digital transformation.

Too many companies still think that the only questions that really matter are the ones you ask to your customers. Sure, they’re critical to know how they perceive your brand and products; anyway, standard questionnaires are all but magic wands. When customer experience really drives success, the only way to foster engagement, loyalty and retention is asking yourself some critical questions about the actual journey you want to design and deliver.

What promise am I delivering?

Your brand is not only a product or service. It is a story, a vision and a promise. When you sell your products, you always sell yourself too. It's a powerful idea, yet not so many foresee the consequences. To build a winning promise, start from your identity and archetype, then build a coherent storytelling and narrate your story across all touch points. As a result, you will deliver your promise in the most compelling and enchanting possible way.

Am I evolving to meet expectations?

The mobile-mind shift has caused a deep change into the market balance: passive consumers have been replaced by empowered customers, demanding and always looking for amazing experiences. How can you be sure to keep pace with customers? Given that evolution is driven by technology, be sure to evolve with the times, considering disruptive devices for your engagement strategy. Innovative personalization is the keyword to meet expectations in this customer-centric moment in time.

Am I thinking omni-channel?

A digital-first approach is mandatory to connect with the new customer. To really take advantage of mobile technology, you need to shift from single and multi channel philosophy to an omni-channel customer experience. As the years pass by, digital and physical swiftly merge into a new reality, defined by multiple touch points - many of them outside company's control. ‘Omni-channel’, then, becomes a reflection of how our life is evolving. To adapt, focus your efforts on the creation of a seamless experience for your clients, wherever they are and whatever device they use.

Do I offer an innovative customer journey?

A sage once said that the journey - not the destination - is the real purpose of life. This is even more true for customers’ life: when they choose to connect with your brand, they’re looking not just for a product that answers their needs, but for a complete experience that involves emotional, social and technological aspects. To understand how to organize the sequence of touch points into a coherent journey, implement a customer journey map, a complete framework that shows the different stages that your customers go through when they interact with you.

Do I use data to make better decisions?

Mobile devices, proximity marketing and Big Data platforms allow you to gather information from multiple channels. Data that trace your clients’ habits, needs and wants, and that you can use to improve the overall customer journey. There’s only one risk: information becomes useless when it is not mined, scanned and readily accessed and shared in the organization. To avoid losing much of data strategic punch, you should rely on an analytics dashboard, that will help you make better business decisions.

Of course, there are many more questions you should ask to yourself. These may or may not surprise you. Either way, use them to take smart actions for success, starting right now. To say it with the German mathematician and engineer Charles Proteus Steinmetz:

There are no foolish questions and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.

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To help you ensure a strategic advantage to your organization, learn about the DCX 7-Steps Checklist crafted by Neosperience, with requirements and insights for a successful digital transformation.