
To start off your 2015 with a huge marketing leap, you need something big. Three big things, actually. We all know that the ultimate purpose of digital customer experience is to build the perfect bridge between brands and customers. But you will never get - and retain - customer’s love and trust if you don’t understand deeply yourself and the ecosystem you live in. Here, between the lines, you can spot 3 big things you need to improve digital customer experience.

In traditional markets - ruled by analog models -
customers used to opt for you at the purchase moment because:

  • You did build something they loved and/or needed;

  • You did build an efficient contact strategy.

But that was before smartphones came in to change our lives forever. In an era defined by disruptive mobile technologies, where clients can choose from a potentially infinite set of suppliers, you can’t rely on this certainty anymore. Products, advertising and paid content are not enough ensure you get repeat sales: loyalty replaces price as the most important business assets, and the experience becomes way more crucial than what you produce or sell.

What does this mean for your business? That the power balance has shifted from brands to customers, and the client should always be the core of every single strategy you plan.

To shape a compelling customer experience a good approach is to look at things from a totally different perspective. Markets are evolving in so many different ways that you really need a compass to maintain focus. Big story, Big Journey and Big Data (#BigIdeas2015): here lies the foundation of a great digital customer experience.

  • Big Story: the first thing you need is a big story, rooted in your brand identity. "Know yourself to know your customers", this is the rule in the Age of the Customer. The meaning your brand holds is a primal assets, and archetypes are the model that your strategy should be patterned on. Storytelling is one of the main pillars of digital transformation, essential to create an emotional connection with your customer. Remember that loyalty is not just about products or services; it runs hand in hand with emotions. Start with your true why, build a coherent content strategy across all touch points and devices, and don’t underestimate the power of social media and tech revolutions.
  • Big Journey: every story creates a journey, and you should be able to map that journey to understand if your strategy is working as expected. Empowered customers demand compelling experiences: they want what they need, wherever they are and whenever they need it. A customer journey map is essential to learn how customers interact and connect in your mobile, branded, ecosystem, where touch points are potentially infinite (smartphones, wearables, Internet-of-Things). To build a big journey experience, a story is not enough. You need to put customers first, then design personalized and real-time engagement actions - i.e. using gamification dynamics and proximity marketing (iBeacon, push notification).
  • Big Data: from 2015 on, data mining will be mandatory to move with the times. Disruptive technologies produce an invaluable amount of data about the market and customers. The key to success will be the ability to scan, process and turn it into actionable strategies. As Big Data become a priority, at the same time companies will increase investments in analytics dashboards and machine intelligence, to make sense of all this unshaped information. A proper use of data will allow you to anticipate customers’ needs and answer every time they need and everywhere they are, with tailored contents and location-based offers.

We have described a 3-steps path:

  1. you need information to implement your strategy;
  2. you need a narrative background to mold the data clay into a story;
  3. you need a technological and emotional framework to involve people into a complex map.

This is all you need to create an amazing digital customer experience.

To help you provide a strategic advantage to your organization, Neosperience has crafted the first DCX 7-Steps Checklist, with requirements and insights for a successful digital transformation. Download the free guide here: