Quotazione 2019

In this article, we will try to synthesize 12 intense but rewarding months.

2019 was a year full of satisfactions for NeosperienceOur best expectations have finally taken shape, transporting us into a new universe of growth and infinite possibilities. 

First and foremost, we also want to remember our journey towards listing on Aim Italia, which, once achieved, has allowed us to give visibility and prestige to what this company represents, also from a human point of view; "Empathy in Technology" is the claim that guides us every day, reminding us that our mission is unique in the market.

Obviously, this substantial development has changed the way we do business.

If before we were responsible only to ourselves, today we must give value to all the shareholders who support us and believe in our project. It’s not a simple task, and we face it with high awareness and confidence in what we do.

After the listing, we decided it was time to grow.

For this reason, we have opened our first office outside the country, in Seattle, USA, and we have decided to join forces with Somos, Mikamai, Jack Magma, LinkMe, and Value China, to build together a promising future based on collaboration among all our expertise.

From the working point of view, satisfactions were not lacking.

We found new companions of adventures, such as Borgo Egnazia, with whom and for which we gave shape to our cutting-edge Solutions. With great joy, we have also continued to work with our historic clients, who every day demonstrate their confidence in our quality level.

About our Solutions, how can we forget the launch of the two most innovative ones: Image Memorability, to give scientific validity to the memorability of images, and People Analytics, for in-store flows control. They have revolutionized the current panorama of technological proposals for business.

We would also like to mention the awards we have earned during the year, such as the victory in the international competition for the regeneration of the Villa Reale di Monza, and to be counted by Gartner as one of the six best software vendors for 2020 in the Customer Analytics market.

Finally, we would like to thank all of our employees, those who stayed with us and those who decided to join our project. Without your support and commitment, this would have been impossible.

What will the Neosperience 2020 reserve for us?

Many things are already planned and we will soon update you on the next news. What we already know and can communicate to you, is our confidence in the future that awaits us. During the upcoming year, we will continue to believe in our abilities and possibilities to grow in an empathic way, respecting people.