Business transformation: two words that can mean all or nothing, and yet together they synthesize a trend - and a necessity - that is fundamental for companies.


A revolutionized market

In 1859 Charles Darwin published his masterpiece "The Origin of Species". His ideas subsequently expanded to many different fields, including Economy.

In the past, large industrial groups seemed unbeatable because of their economic and material strength. Today, the same assumption is no longer valid. It is not the most powerful subject that gets the best from the market, it is the one that manages to adapt faster.

The Internet has completely changed the paradigms of business: the democratization of ideas and products distribution has stimulated a formidable competition within different fields. Small companies that once managed to reach only local audiences are now able to get to the other side of the world, thus threatening large producers.

What the great realities have experienced directly, in these stormy and dynamic years, is the same lesson that the dinosaurs have learned. Too big to adapt to a new situation, they ended up leaving the planet to small and flexible mammals.


The new paradigm of Business Transformation

Adaptation: that is the key concept of a successful Business Transformation. But how can a large company, with the difficulties deriving from its human and production apparatus, follow the continuous renewal of market trends?

In order to answer this question we need to analyze what these trends are. Luckily, they can be summarized in two different but mutually dependent aspects: the focus on the uniqueness of the individual and the digital transformation.

The first concept refers to all the trends that in recent years have focused on improving the customer experience, placing people at the center of corporate interests. Nowadays, the Internet allows the user to exercise enormous power over the market.

The latter concept, on the other hand, is expressed in the renewal of the products and services offer, and in the business and private operations, which today are carried out mainly through digital channels.

These two aspects come together as a single concept: the Digital Customer Experience, also called DCX. It consists of all those activities aimed at giving value to the experience of the single person on every digital channel or touchpoint.

The ideal business, thanks to the new tools made available by technological progress, should implement projects on the DCX, both for the benefit of its customers and to improve the efficiency of its managers, employees and business strategies in general.

Digital media are the facilitators par excellence; avoiding to use them would mean losing the opportunity to facilitate the establishment of an engaging and profitable relationship between all the subjects.


The four cornerstones to remember

So, what are the four tips to transform and keep your business relevant, thanks to the Digital Customer Experience?

Simplicity. There is nothing more important. If a company intends to survive and prosper in today's market, the first goal to be achieved is the simplification of its operations, both for the customer and for the company. Waste reduction, better management of the work of employees and facilitation of operations to improve the customer (and employee) experience; the means to achieve these goals is the digital and the tools that this makes available.

Consistency. No lie lives forever. If you are not consistent in your relationship with the public and stakeholders, you can only get two things: lack of trust and confusion. Today, thanks to digital technology, it is possible to manage a strategic transformation to face the different aspects of communication and content in a simple, effective, and above all organic way. If you don’t have the expertise to solve your business problems ask for a transformation consultancy.

Empathy. People are not numbers, they are subjects with individual needs. Today, companies must respect their customers by offering them experiences that improve their lives, especially in the digital environment. At the same time, companies need to sustain an empathic relationship with their employees, so that they do not feel part of a mechanism, but members of a large family that takes care of them.

Fun. There is no such a powerful tool as gaming to make people happy. Offering your audience or your employees a moment of leisure will make the company a friend, not a seller or an employer. Gamification practices, implemented on digital channels, are a powerful tool for gaining involvement and loyalty.


The best practices of DCX are therefore able to deeply change the relationships between large companies and individual players. Thanks to personalized and valuable experiences, offered both to the public and the stakeholders, the image and efficiency of the company can improve exponentially, maintaining the advantages of a small company.
You don’t have any more time; start your corporate transformation now!