To be inspired is great, to inspire is incredible.

Nothing beats inspiration when you need learn how to improve your digital strategy. With this in mind, here at Neosperience we stay always with eyes wide open, ready to catch insightful examples of digital transformation.

The best source of information can be everywhere around you, and the risk is to get lost in the search. But we have done the hard work for you, and that is where the idea of Neosperience Trendwatch comes from.

Here you find issue number 2 of Neosperience Trendwatch, born to be a collection of useful insights and news about the latest trends in mobile marketing, technological disruption and digital customer experience.

Digital customer experience is an holistic field that gathers together different disciplines and expertise, reflecting the complex customer journey map of the mobile era.

The Apple Tv experience, mobile engagement apps, retail reinvention, social branding campaigns, virtual reality tools: in Trendwatch #2 you will find this and much more.

So, take your seat and enjoy success cases and best practices from the most innovative companies, to get meaningful ideas to innovate your digital customer experience and plan effective digital transformation strategies.

You can download the .Pdf version here.