Among the innumerable truths that Shakespeare told us in his vision of life and humanity, in Hamlet he offered one of his sagest counsels: “Know thyself and to thine self be true.

If you don’t understand what makes you uniquely you – if you don’t know yourself – how can others perceive your greatness, your unique and distinctive value and contribution? Make the digital customer experience of you your One Big Thing.

For professionals and companies, being the distinctive exception means delivering value to your clients or customers. And while more in general you are the sum total of your genetics and environment plus your personal push, I’m more interested here in understanding how you move past your genetics and environment to chart a course that brings out your potential for genius and unique contribution to society.

You, as most of the people, have a huge unused potential. Look at any young child at play and you will see a genius at work. It is estimated that 98% of five years olds score higher in the creative genius range on standardized tests. By age 10, only 32% achieve this. Where has all the genius gone?

Some researchers believe that the capacity for genius is actively programmed out of us as we advance through formal education. By teaching us to conform at every step of our development, society is cutting away those brain synapses, which form the basis for the creative genius you were. As an adult, the paths you choose are limited by this earlier cutting.

Nature, nurture and navigation — instead of working together to create unique individuals with vast potential — work in opposition to each other, creating adults with vast amounts of unused potential that are just about average.

But what does this mean to you today? Is it too late to change your potential and leverage the huge innovation that has been made available to make the difference? The answer is yes and no.

You cannot do a great deal to change how nature or nurture have framed your essence, but you can master today’s navigation choices. And you can answer a first big questions: “What am I supposed to do with my life?” Where do I excel and what could I be “the best in the world at doing?” This question addresses your primary strengths.

If you can answer this first big question, you are on track to finding your purpose in life – your “One Big Thing”.

The second big question is “How do I get noticed?” – that is, “How do I get my voice heard?”, “How do I get my One Big Thing on the other people’s radar?”, “How can I deliver the best digital customer experience of me?” This second big question is as important as the first. You may know what your purpose should be, but unless you stand out from the crowd, in a world where it is increasingly difficult to do so, your One Big Thing will never become a reality.

Discover your One Big Thing, your special purpose – the niche that is perfect for you – so you don’t waste your years going up and down like a jojo devoting your precious time to other’s matter that do not interest you, if not to take home a salary; but we both know that this may not be enough.

When you discover your purpose and take active steps to pursue it, you will become filled with energy, determination and courage. You will jump out of bed each morning, ready to take charge of the day. Your life will have renewed meaning.

And once you’ll have find you One Big Thing, or it will have found you, take care of Your Personal Brand, as the express checkout for you to live your life at ever increasing speed. Your personal brand should communicate something singular. Every aspect of your life and biography should support your brand. To build your brand, remember:

  • Visibility is just as important as ability” – you may be extremely talented at what you do and have a clear, meaningful One Big Thing, but if people don’t know about you or your purpose, you will never achieve your dreams.
  • You can’t brand a lie” – Be authentic. People will sense when your brand and identity do not align.
  • In a media-driven culture, being different is everything” – No one is exactly like you. Celebrate and promote your uniqueness. Communicate who you are and what makes you special.

As Helen Keller, blind and deaf American author, used to say: “Life is either a great adventure or it’s nothing.

Be epic. Make the digital customer experience of you your One Big Thing.

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If you don't know who you are and what makes you special, you won't be able to build a compelling customer experience. To help you ensure a strategic advantage to your organization, learn about the DCX 7-Steps Checklist crafted by Neosperience, with requirements and insights for a successful digital transformation.