Archetypal brand theory provides a sound methodology for establishing a memorable and compelling brand identity, one that can found relevant digital customer experiences, cross lifestyle and cultural boundaries, and translate into success that endures.

Among the 12 brand archetypes that we have studied, thanks to the deep analysis provided by by Margaret Mark and Carol S. Pearson, Joseph Campbell and, before them, Carl Jung, The Explorer brand archetype emphasize self over others and autonomy over belonging.

The story of the Explorer is characterized by science fiction movies such as Star Trek (“To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before”) and narratives about a transition from homeland, job or marriage. Books that exemplify the explorer archetype include F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Homer’s The Odyssey.

A brand or product resinates well with this archetype if it makes people feel free and is nonconformist.

The Explorer core desire is for the freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world. His goal is to experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life, while his greatest fear is getting trapped and conforming.

Explorers tend to see themselves as ahead of their time, that’s why they are particularly sensible to digital customer experience innovation. They are definitely willing to take tough stands for something they believe in; a shared value of individualism reinforces the Explorer archetype with an emphasis on discovering and expressing one’s own uniqueness.

Right-Time Personalization is for the Explorer more important then ever: when the Explorer archetype is active in your customers, their call is to explore the world and, in the process, to find themselves, so that they know who they are.

To market an Explorer brand effectively, it is best for you to empathize with the Explorer story from the inside, imagining, for example, what it’s like for your customer to feel trapped by his or her own life, to yearn for more excitement and adventure, to feel “bigger” than his life, as though it is constraining him.

Discover also:

  • The Innocent: Life does not have to be hard, this myth promises.
  • The Explorer: Don’t fence me in.
  • The Sage: Sharing wisdom with you.
  • The Hero: Triumphing over adversity and evil.
  • The Outlaw: Rules were meant to be broken.
  • The Magician: The shaman at the forefront of great scientific changes.
  • The Regular Guy/Girl: The virtues of being ordinary.
  • The Lover: Intimacy and elegance.
  • The Jester: To live in the moment with full enjoyment, having fun, and stop worrying about consequences.
  • The Caregiver: The altruist, moved by compassion, generosity and a desire to help others.
  • The Creator: Helping you be you (only better).
  • The Ruler: Queens, kings, CEO’s, presidents, or anyone with power represents the ruler.